“Our stories live inside Anangu. Inside us! Our young people learn our culture in art centres in community, they work hard and the old people like me hold and protect the art centres so that the future for our young people will be better. So they can continue to have jobs and continue to stay strong in our culture.”
– Witjiti George

About us
The APY Art Centre Collective (APYACC) is a group of Indigenous-owned and governed art centres that work together on innovative artistic projects, and strong business initiatives. Our art centre businesses are the beating heart of our communities. Our vision is to support every person of working age to have culturally affirming employment and an independent income so that they can succeed in our world and yours.
The Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in the far north-west of South Australia, is home to seven art centres, which along with studios in Adelaide and Umoona, facilitate and market the work of more than 500 Indigenous artists.
Iwantja Arts, Mimili Maku Arts, Kaltjiti Arts, Tjala Arts, Tjungu Palya, Collective Art Centre, Umoona Arts and Port Augusta Arts Collective, together with artists from Ernabella, make up the APYACC.
The APYACC and its member art centres are –
- 100% Aboriginal owned and governed, with a strong emphasis on the creation of jobs and generating employment pathways.
- Professional art-making studios where culture is celebrated, maintained, and carefully instructed to younger generations by Aboriginal Elders.
- The primary source of non-government income in remote communities.
- Home to some of the most renowned and collectable Indigenous artists in Australia, as well as a host of young and emerging artists.
- Unique in their commitment to collaborate across the region on large scale artistic projects and events.

Where We Work
The APYACC works across the APY Lands in the far north-west of South Australia, regional South Australia, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne. Our Head Office is in located in an extensive warehouse premises in Thebarton, Adelaide which houses the APYACC offices, APY Studio Adelaide, and the flagship APY Gallery and design store. Our Sydney Gallery is located in the dynamic Darlinghurst arts precinct and our Melbourne Gallery is based in the Docklands.
We relocated to our Thebarton space in early 2022. This move allowed for a much-needed increase in studio, training and office spaces and alongside the APY Galleries in Sydney and Melbourne, has secured the Elders’ vision for growth in APYACC participation and programming into the future.